The importance of good nutrition in care homes

A good diet is essential and this does not stop as you get older, it only gets more important.

A bowl of strawberries

The importance of good nutrition in care homes

A good diet is essential and this does not stop as you get older, it only gets more important as a healthy diet can help prevent and aid disease further down the line. Making sure our residents have three nutritious meals a day is an absolute priority, not only should they be healthy, it is also important for them to be tasty and fulfil our residents’ needs. 

We do this by providing a varied diet which caters to all at Chestnut Lodge, that is why we offer Halal produce as well as all other dietary requirements. Our menus are designed to be adaptable so if any change is needed it can be dealt with right away. We also focus on the enjoyment of food, that is why we make sure our menu is enjoyable to our residents. We understand some of our residents with dementia and other nursing needs may struggle with their appetite so we want to make our food as convenient and enjoyable as possible to encourage eating.

As well as our standard three meals we also provide snacks throughout the day and extra treats on special occasions. This helps promote a healthy relationship with food, and not something that is a chore.

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Kiana Greenan

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