Benefits of exercise in our home

Did you know exercise has more than just physical benefits?

residents dancing

At Chestnut Lodge we promote exercise for not only physical benefits but mental. There are various reasons for this, one being the benefit to overall mental health as exercise can help prevent depression and combat loneliness. Our residents are encouraged to work as a team when it comes to our physical activities.

Exercise has also been proven to improve sleep and confidence, which can hugely benefit those living with dementia and other illnesses in our homes. 

There is no denying however that exercise also has physical benefits, including reduced stiffness and helps build strength which can help eliminate pain and injury down the line. 

On top of a healthy diet, incorporating exercise can help your loved one feel physically and mentally stronger and that’s why at Chestnut Lodge we are passionate about incorporating movement into our residents daily lives. We do this in a fun and entertaining way, including games and dancing! 

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Kiana Greenan

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